Pong Demo

Kivy demo pong app.


Returns the datas list required by PyInstaller to be able to package kivy_pong_demo in a application.

Pong Demo App

class kivy_pong_demo.main.PongApp(**kwargs)

Bases: App

The Pong app.


Initializes the application; it will be called only once. If this method returns a widget (tree), it will be used as the root widget and added to the window.


None or a root Widget instance if no self.root exists.


Closes resources when the app is done.

Used in testing.

class kivy_pong_demo.main.PongBall(**kwargs)

Bases: Widget

The pong ball the moves across the screen.

class kivy_pong_demo.main.PongGame(**kwargs)

Bases: Widget

The pong game canvas.


Receive a touch move event. The touch is in parent coordinates.

See on_touch_down() for more information.

class kivy_pong_demo.main.PongPaddle(**kwargs)

Bases: Widget

The paddle on each side of the screen.


Runs the pong app.